Math Sprints Workbook 5 - Blemished
Math Sprints Workbook 5 - Blemished
Math Sprints Workbook 5 - Blemished
Math Sprints Workbook 5 - Blemished

Math Sprints Workbook 5 - Blemished

$8.00 $5.60

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Math Sprints Workbooks help students develop mental math fluency. The Workbook consists of differentiated sprints, which may be presented to students as fun, timed games. These sprints will help them build speed and accuracy. The material includes some basic math facts, but mostly goes beyond math facts to other mental math skills. If your student’s mental math fluency is not at level, build their confidence by starting with a Workbook from an earlier grade. The series can supplement any Singapore math curriculum, and is meant for one-on-one instructional use.


ISBN: 9781932906400

Grade: 5

Pagecount: 126

Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 x 0.25 in

Binding: Standard

Color: Grayscale

Cover: Soft

Perforated: No

Sample Pages

Math Sprints Workbook 5


Consists of twenty nine A & B First Half and Second Half sprints (total of 116 sprints) and answers.

Additional Notes: This supplementary material may be used with Dimensions Math or Primary Mathematics programs.

Answer Key: Included in the back of the book

Level: On Level

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